
the guts?

Listen to Your Intuition

Ah, the sixth sense, hunch, gut feeling—whatever you prefer to call it! It's that sudden flash of insight bubbling up from deep within, our basic instinct guiding us. It's the force behind leaving a seemingly ideal job, tying the knot after a whirlwind romance (and perhaps parting ways just as swiftly), or making decisions that seem irrational at first glance. We can't always articulate the reasons behind these choices; we just know they are right.

Remember to "trust your guts." Embracing these intuitive nudges is a powerful way to honor your authentic self and navigate life's twists and turns. So, next time that inner voice whispers, take a moment to listen—it might just lead you exactly where you need to be.

the hands and heart linked to the guts:

About Me

Hello there! Are you curious to know a bit about the creative mind behind the curtain? Well, I'm here to spill the beans!

I hold a Master's Degree in Design Research from SCIarc in Los Angeles, along with a previous Master's Degree in Architecture and Art from the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio. In my whirlwind journey, I've donned many hats - from architect to graphic designer, videomaker to photographer, and even a creative director. Phew!

At some point, I found myself in a delightful quandary - what exactly should I call myself amidst all this creative chaos? And then, a lightbulb moment! I decided to embrace the 'guts' philosophy - following my passions and instinct, without being confined by labels.

I sprinkle colors in both my work and life, approaching everything with boundless passion and dedication. I firmly believe in the beautiful dance of peace, laced with a touch of sarcasm and self-irony - essentials for a healthy, creative mind.

Drumroll, please! Here comes the big statement: Sustainability is my middle name! Now more than ever, I advocate for infusing sustainability into art and design, just as we do with our everyday essentials.

When it comes to my home decor, I like natural and recycled materials: let's redefine style with a touch of eco-friendliness, shall we?

So, if you're up for a lively, sustainable creative ride, hop on board with me!

Valentina Vasi

Fun facts

  • I'm much more than what meets the eye.

    The gut is a 9m-long organ with between 800 and 900 folds.
    It would easily cover an entire tennis court if laid out flat.
    It makes up roughly 70% of your immune system and contains 1.5kg to 2kg of bacteria – more than the weight of your brain.

  • I'm unique.

    Even identical twins, who share 99.5% of their genes, only share about 20% of their microbiomes.
    The microbiome has more biodiversity than the Amazonian rainforest.
    There are so many microorganisms in the human gut, scientists haven't even identified them all.

  • I'm collaborative, but self-standing as well.

    The gut have been called a "second brain", because if the nerve between brain and gut (the vagus nerve) were cut, the gut would function independently.
    No other organ, not even the all-powerful heart, can pull that off.
    Your gut’s power to think for itself is no surprise: there are millions of neurons in its lengthy coils, more than are found in the spinal cord or peripheral nervous system.

  • I feel it all.

    Along with many other hormones, the gut produces 90% of the body’s serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone" (low serotonin is attributed to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues), which is transported to your brain via neurotransmitters.
    The gut produces more neurotransmitters – which affect mood and behaviour – than the brain does.